Discovering Wings
Music By: Michael Smurthwaite
Voices: Solo
Lyrics By: Leo Tolstoy, great Russian philosopher/ historian
Description: Late in life, Leo Tolstoy, the great Russian historian and philosopher, became a Christian. These words describe his exultant feelings when receiving his witness of Christ, and came to me in a Christmas card. Impressed, I placed the card on the piano, sat down and composed this song, one of my very first attempts at composing. (Note the optional ending for high voices.)
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Jesus teaches men there’s something in them
That lifts them above this world, with its hurries, pleasures and fears.
He who understands Christ’s teachings
Feels like a bird who did not know he had wings,
And suddenly realizes he can fly— be free and fly!
I can fly, I can fly! No longer need to fear — I am free, I can fly!