Whisper Please, in His Ear
Music By: Michael Smurthwaite
Voices: Solo
Lyrics By: Ilene Barton MP3 Sung By: Anna Bjarnson Carson
Description: These empathic words of Ilene Barton express the intimate ‘lump-in-the-throat’ feelings of many Christian women who look upon the manger scene, yearn to hold a babe and whisper love in its ear. Regardless of the skeptics, her witness of Christ is as sure as if she’d been ‘right there with the sheep.’
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1. Yuletide carols sung with cheer, invoke feelings deep in here,
Feelings I’ve laid on the shelf, a lump grows in my throat.
They sing of my Savior, humbly born to Mary;
Oh such excellence, who can tell?
2. They say hearts alone can know, yet I do know surely
As if I were right there with the sheep.
Oh, dear Blessed Mary, cuddling your Baby,
Whisper, please, in his ear, that I love him too.