The Manger
Music By: Michael Smurthwaite
Voices: Solo
Lyrics By: Cathleen C. Perrin
Description: These tender couplets of maternal insight seem to draw us right into the manger scene. This song should be sung as a lullaby, as though holding and singing to the Newborn.
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Tender mercy, infant bed,
Tender mother placed His head.
Heaven-spun, that golden hay,
Heaven kissed there as He lay.
Ev’ry straw infused with love,
Ev’ry sigh hailed up above.
Mary then, unburdened, slept,
Mary’s vigil, heaven kept.
Angel’s breath warmed tiny hands,
Angels smoothed His swadling bands.
Newborn nurs’ry in a stall,
Newborn infant, King of all.
Gentle beasts, attendants there,
Gentle Joseph, stroked His hair.
Ever lowly stable berth,
Ever holiest crib on earth.
Regal Child sent to atone,
Regal manger, heaven’s throne