
Quiet, Quiet is the Night

Music By: Michael Smurthwaite
Voices: Solo
Lyrics By: Heather Smurthwaite
Description: Quiet, Quiet is the Night is a reverently subdued, gentle, peaceful song. The last part of each verse however,                                                                gradually lifts and expands as the singer contemplates the majesty of the Christ.

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1. Quiet, quiet is the night.
Tender, tender is the sight.
Loving, loving is the pair,
Watching, watching Him with care.

        Bright angels sing, great choir swell!
Eternity the story tell!
All heavens sing. All song unfurled!
God’s Son is come to save the world!

2. Blessed, blessed is the Child,
Holy, holy, pure and mild.
Peaceful, peacefulness in store;
Endless, endless evermore.

3. Quiet, quiet is the night.
Tender, tender is the sight.
Quiet loving everywhere;
Peaceful, tender, loving evermore.