And the Angel Said, “Look” ! (solo plus choir)
Voices: Solo – with SATB Choir
Lyrics By: Heather Smurthwaite, based on I Ne. 11-14
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He cried Hosanna to the Most High God! Because thou believest thou shalt see!
And the Angel Said, “Look!”, the city of Nazareth,
And the angel said, “Look!”, a virgin most fair.
And the angel said, “Look!”, a Child in her arms,
I saw her carry a Child in her arms.
“Knowest thou the condecension of God?”, the angel said.
“Knowest thou the condecension of God?” “It is His love to us, this is His Son!”
“It is His love; This is His Son!”
And the angel said, “Look!”, and I saw Him go forth and be baptized;
And the angel said, “Look!”, and I saw Him ordaining the Twelve.
And the angel said, “Look!”, And I saw Him healing the multitude;
I saw Him teaching and healing the multitude.
See the love of God shed abroad in the hearts of men, the angel said.
See the love of God shed abroad in the hearts of men.
And then I said, “Wherefore it is most desired above all things;
And the angel said, “Yea, and most joy to the soul.
The Son of God! The Son of the Father!
Yea, most joyous to the soul, most desired above all things;
Yea most joy to the soul.