Sent Thy Son
Music By: Michael Smurthwaite
Voices: SATB – Choir with optional violin
Lyrics By: Heather Smurthwaite
Description: The first eight measures reverently dscribe the loving, gentle, nature of Christ. This is followed by seven measures of the joy and rejoicing of the saints. The optional violin or vocal descant permits some freedom in notes or words.
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1.Oh Thou great and gracious God,
Sent Thy Son, Sent Thy Son.
O Thou wondrous Prince of Peace,
Thou didst come, Thou didst come.
Shout all ye lands! Sing all ye stars!
Increase kingdoms. Rejoice all ye hearts!
Increase all ye kingdoms! Rejoice all ye hearts!
2.Oh Thou tender, loving Fa-ther,
Sent Thy Son, Sent Thy Son.
Oh Thou caring, giving Sa-vior,
Thou didst come, Thou didst come.
Spirit whisper truth! Mortals listen well!
Dominion flow freely! Let earth burst the veil!
Dominion flow freely! Let earth burst the veil!
3.Oh Thou Father of our souls,
Sent Thy Son, Sent Thy Son.
Oh Thou noble, Elder Brother,
Thou didst come, Thou didst come.
We are thy seed! Chist is the way!
Eternal Thy glory! Celestial our day!
Eternal Thy glory! Celestial our day!