A Father’s Love
Composed by:Michael Smurthwaite
Lyricist: James H. Lee Jr.
Voices: Solo
Description: In honor of noble Fathers, how they learn and grow until succeeding generations sing their praise.
Suggested use: Father’s Day.
- 1.Why did God make fathers in ev’ry shape and size,
Who once were little children, and not so very wise?
He must have known they needed a loving family
To help them learn their lessons,so they could then teach me.All else is superficial, but only love survives
Twixt fathers and their children,
twixt husbands and their wives.2. True dads work not for money, nor cars or fancy things,
But more for loving feelings, the joy that caring brings.
When fathers teach their children the part that caring plays,
Then ev’ry generation will sing their fathers praiseAll else is superficial, but only love survives
Twixt fathers and their children,
twixt husbands and their wives.