O Babe Divine, Thy Glory Shine!
Composer: Michael Smurthwaite
Voices: SATB Choir
Lyricist: Heather Smurthwaite
Description: Centers on how the Divine Babe of Bethlehem prepared the way for all mankind to return home to God.
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1.When End-less Light filled form of clay, born in love that glorious day,
And brilliant star of hope shone down, myriad toned Hosannas sound,
A warm and willing faith began to swell our souls and cleanse our hands.
Oh Babe divine, Thy glory shine! ‘Till each soul sees the way home!
2.As mother love joined infant trust, and manhood grew from earth’s soft dust,
He lived the truth, His mission clear, the miracles brought heaven near;
Then, giving up earth life in love, He paved the way for us above.
Oh Babe divine, Thy glory shine! ‘Till each soul sees the way home!
3.We come to earth from glory pure, To overcome, by love endure;
By opposition understood, to choose the truth and prize the good.
We come to Christ, through Him we pray, to Father, home, He is the way.
Oh Babe divine Thy glory shine ‘Till each soul sees the way home!