For This Our Christ Was Born – solo, medium high voice
Music By: Michael Smurthwaite
Voices: Solo – Medium high voice, optional violin or flute
Lyrics By: Tom Hepner; MP3 Sung By: Anna Bjarnson Carson
Description: These thoughts by Tom Hepner combine worship of Christ with feelings of family.
Further, after receiving the words, this moving melody came as a burst of inspiration so the entire song was written within one hour.
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1. The feelings of Yuletide are splendors of the soul,
warm lovely tenderness, long life’s gentle glow.
For This Our Christ Was Born to show us of his love,
to help us through our trials, and fill us from above,
and fill our hearts with love, and fill us from above.
2. Our hearts we give to thee, so full our joy abounds;
from this our love extends to the world around.
For This Our Christ Was Born to show us of his love,
to help us through our trials, and fill us from above,
and fill our hearts with love, and fill us from above.
[Note: For use in any season, for the fourth word, substitute the word ‘family’ for ‘Yuletide.’]