
The Home Winner

Music By: Alfred M. Durham
Voices: Unison
Lyrics By: Gene Lindberg
Additional Information: Arranged by Michael Smurthwaite
Description: Sung with firmness and determination to honor those sturdy Pioneer women who built homes and families amidst the untamed wilderness.

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1.Prophets gazing t’ward the mountains,

Once foresaw a promised land,

They saw fields in desert valleys,

They saw mighty cities stand.

On the hills, but all their dreaming

Would not find fulfillment now.

Had the hand that rocked the cradle

Lacked the strength to guide the plow.


2.Men who battled single handed,

With unbroken wilderness,

Staggard back at last defeated,

By the curse of loneliness.

Men made trails for men to follow,

When adventure made them roam.

But the trail a woman followed

Led, unerring to a home.


3.Home! No price of toil and patience,

Was too great for her to pay,

Danger suffering and hardships,

Thru them all she found a way.

Her indomitable courage

Banished doubt and conquer’d fear.

She was Mother, Wife and Partner,

Every inch a Pioneer.