Our Gratitude
Composer: Anon. 1625, arr. by Edward Kremser(See Hymns # 93-Prayer of Thanksgiving)
Lyrics by: Heather Smurthwaite
Voices: Congregation – SATB
Description: Lyrics overflow with gratitude to God for an abundance of blessings which the lyricist even lists. As God’s children our gratitude overflows with to release sincere praise.
- Our Father we thank thee for life and creation; For earth, flowers, trees, for the sunshine and rain; For all our prayers answered, and all Thy tender mercies; For the Savior and atonement, eternal, the same.
2. We thank Thee for freedom, and our Constitution, For health, fam’ly, marriage, abundance and friends; For trials and challenges, comort and forgiveness; For the Spirit, grace and miracles, love with-out end.
3. We thank Thee for prophets, for priesthood, and angels; For covenants, ancestors, posterity; For Thy Church and Kingdom, for truth and revelation; For Thy promises to Israel, fulfillment we see.
4. We thank Thee for music, and color, and language; For talents, and gifts, and experience we’ve gained; For moments to testify, serve, for-give with patience, Oh our Father, now with love we praise Thy holy name.