
Our Gratitude

Composer:   Anon. 1625,  arr. by Edward Kremser(See Hymns # 93-Prayer of Thanksgiving)

Lyrics by:      Heather Smurthwaite

Voices:           Congregation – SATB

Description: Lyrics overflow with gratitude to God for an abundance of blessings which the lyricist even lists.                                                                                                                                                 As God’s children our gratitude overflows with to release sincere praise.


  1. Our Father we thank thee for life and creation; For earth, flowers, trees, for the sunshine and rain;                                                                                                                      For all our prayers answered, and all Thy tender mercies; For the Savior and atonement, eternal, the same.

2. We thank Thee for freedom, and our Constitution, For health, fam’ly, marriage, abundance and friends;                                                                                                                             For trials and challenges, comort and forgiveness; For the Spirit, grace and miracles, love with-out end.

3. We thank Thee for prophets, for priesthood, and angels; For covenants, ancestors, posterity;                                                                                                                                                 For Thy Church and Kingdom, for truth and revelation; For Thy promises to Israel, fulfillment we see.

4. We thank Thee for music, and color, and language; For talents, and gifts, and experience we’ve gained;                                                                                                                              For moments to testify, serve, for-give with patience, Oh our Father, now with love we praise Thy holy name.