Music by: Lola N. Brimley
Lyrics by: Wilford C. Brimley
Arranged by: Michael Smurthwaite
Voices: Women’s Voices SSAA, traditional style
Description: Humble sincere expression of gratitude for a multiplicity of divine blessings as well as a petition for the Lord’s return when He may abide with His saints. Further request for forgiveness, and blessings that flow from faithful obedience to the loving commands of Christ.
Humbly and gratefully, dear Lord, We offer thanks to Thee,
For Thy redeeming sacrifice, From sin we may be free.
We love to honor Thy blest name, With contrite heart sincere.
We pray thou wilt incline Thine ear, Our humble prayer to hear.
Softly Thy voice is calling us, To come and live anew.
With thankful souls we bow the knee, And Thy commandments do.
Help us kind Lord, to heed Thy word. Forgive our fellow men,
That we may then for given be, And know Thy Love again.
Oh when Thou shalt come to rule and reign, And with Thy saints a-bide.
We shall behold Thy face and hands, the wounds in Thy dear side.
Then let us sing Thy holy praise, For Thy great Gospel plan.
To redeem, salvation bring to the soul of ev’ry man.